There’s no doubt that it is the people and personalities that are the fabric of our community.
Where are you from? Alice Springs
What class are you currently enrolled in? Skills for Education & Employment Program (SEE), Foundation Skills
What do enjoy about the classes? Learning with my classmates, Aggie and Delwyn, and learning how to use email and Microsoft word documents, and practising job interview scenarios to get job-ready. I really like working at the Alice Springs Community Garden, taking care of the marigolds, capsicums, carrots, lemongrass and parsley through the hot Alice summer.
What do you hope these classes will help you with or to achieve? I am working towards an apprenticeship, training with Ingkerreke Construction as a maintenance officer and welder, so the SEE program helps me with my reading, writing and maths.
What is one of your hobbies and what do you like to do outside of study? Supporting my local Pioneer Eagles Football Club and being with my family looking after my younger brother. I love gardening, visiting the local nurseries on the weekend and selecting plants for my family’s garden.
What is one of your dreams in life? To be a welder.
Anything you would like to tell us about yourself? I love having a joke with people!!
STEPS deliver language, literacy and numeracy training to areas in North Queensland, Western Australia, and the Northern Territory through the Australian Government’s Skills for Education and Employment Program (SEE). The SEE program aims to provide individuals with the foundation skills needed to participate in further study and employment. Visit the website for more information.