Support Facilitator for STEPS Mental Health Program named finalist for 2024 Gympie Business Awards

STEPS Mental Health Support Facilitator Fran Caddell is a finalist for the title of Customer Service Hero in the 2024 Gympie Chamber of Commerce Business Awards, taking place on Saturday 19 October. Ms Caddell is an active member of her community, using her can-do attitude, knowledge, and connections in Gympie to provide exceptional, holistic support […]
Education and Training Participants Flex Their Literacy Skills with Student Libraries

STEPS Group’s Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Program and Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) participants across the country are using their literacy skills to enjoy student libraries. In the Darwin town of Palmerston, a student library has been set up with books covering a range of topics and reading levels. In Queensland’s Gympie region, […]
STEPS Group Empowers Communities with Expanded Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Program

STEPS announces expansion of its successful Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program, following the award of a significant contract from the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.
Carmel Crouch to Join Gympie’s Australia Day Event as Ambassador

Join us at Gympie’s Memorial Park this Friday, January 26th for Australia Day! Please join STEPS Group Australia’s Managing Director and this year’s Australia Day’s Ambassador Carmel Crouch and the Gympie community in welcoming our newest Australians and to cheer on those who have gone above and beyond in the community this Australia Day. The […]
Celebrating history and culture at NAIDOC Family Fun Day

On Friday July 28 STEPS staff at Gympie and local community members came together at Nelson Reserve for NAIDOC Family Fun Day. STEPS Gympie business manager Rachael Moore says they had a fantastic time celebrating the day and especially enjoyed the dance performance. STEPS Group Australia had an interactive stall at the event and invited […]
Local chocolate factory finds perfect recipe for staff

Visiting a chocolate factory is a childhood dream for many but for one local woman it’s what she has to look forward to every day. Rhonda Hammond landed her sweet gig at Macaday Farm, local producers of delectable choc coated macadamia bars, after new owners Emily and Bernie Wickham turned to STEPS Employment Solutions for […]