Job searching? 5 tips to keep you positive and motivated

June 12, 2017
3 minute read

Searching for a job can be a tedious process. Trawling through job sites and completing seemingly unending applications can become a drain. Optimism and drive can dull quite easily while job searching and this can lead to a cycle of unhealthy and ineffective habits.

But don’t despair! We know it’s important for job seekers to keep up morale, so we have put together some quick tips to make sure you remain positive and motivated throughout your job search.

1. Make regular hours and set daily goals

It can help to set regular hours when you search for a job, some like to take the 9 to 5 approach. This is when all your job searching activities, like writing resumes or completing job applications, happen between 9am and 5pm. Clocking in and out at regular work hours establishes a practical routine and a structure that can yield productivity.

To maximise your time and efficiency, set daily goals; like find 3 vacancies you would like to apply for and tailor your cover letter to these positions, or apply to 3 jobs you really want. It’s best to start with small achievable goals first, as you can build upon these further.

2. Schedule some down time

While you are job searching it’s important to have some time set aside for yourself. Carve out some time where you can relax and don’t have to think about your job search. Continue to do the things you enjoy and are interested in.

3. Take care of yourself

It’s an easy thing to let slide when you’re on that job search path, but it’s important to maintain your health and well-being. Try to exercise regularly, as the endorphins you generate can improve your mood. Maybe you could get some fresh air on your lunch break and take a walk outside.

4. Donate your time

With extra spare time, sometimes job seekers are at loss of what to do with it. If this sounds like you, then you might consider volunteering for a cause you’re passionate about. This is a great way to keep busy, meet new people and give back. You’ll also learn new skills and have more experience to add to your resume.

5. Create a support network

Searching for a job can be an anxious and stressful time so make sure you surround yourself with people you trust. Reach out to family and friends and don’t be afraid to ask for help or support if you need it. Sometimes it helps to just talk through your worries or concerns with someone.

Often people find it helpful to talk to someone who has gone through a similar situation. If that’s the case try to find a friend that has spent some time searching for a job, they can understand what you’re experiencing and can offer advice. You can also find other jobseekers online with sites like Meetup who have Networking for Jobseekers Group.

STEPS Employment Solutions can help you prepare and find work 1300 078 377

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